
Business Valuation Calculator

Business Valuations are complex and can be expensive. We're here to help you with an estimate. You can use the calculator for your own edification, or to proceed to the next step and decide that it is good business strategy to continue the conversation about exit planning. You don’t plan for retirement a few months before you retire so why would you wait until a major life triggering event to plan for the future of your business?

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What to expect...

When you use our business valuation calculator you will input data from your business tax return and your business financials.  Our calculator provides an easy to use platform that allows you to quickly see your valuation based on the scenarios you input. The link below will open a new website browser tab and take you off our website to the calculator. To return to our website, just come back to your original browsers tab.

A 29 page Valuation Report that compares

 13 Key Performance Indicators to others in the same industry is available during the final steps.

  1. Return on Equity
  2. Receivables (Conversions)
  3. Inventory Turnover
  4. Fixed Asset Turnover

5. Debt-to-Equity

6. Interest Coverage

7. Cash-to-Debt

8. Income-to-Revenue

9. Cash Flow-to-Revenue 

10. Receivables-to-Income (Pre Tax)

11. Inventory-to-Income (Pre Tax)

12. Fixes Assets-to-Income (Pre Tax)

13. Total Debt-to-Income (Pre Tax)

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